An Introduction

Greetings, and many thanks for visiting my blog. My name is Sarah Coogan. I am an enthusiastic student and scholar of English literature (at the moment, particularly the Modern British variety). I am also an aspiring novelist. As such, I think a lot about stories, and sometimes I write about them. To facilitate these musings, I started Riverstories. 
I was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, but after getting married, I fulfilled a lifelong dream and moved to Oxford, England, where my husband, Jeremiah, is a postgraduate student. 
My passions: Christianity, British literature and history, culinary arts, horseback riding, classical harp, and figure skating. 
A few joys: snow silhouetted by street lamps, meaningful conversations and passionate debates, rambles in the English countryside, the perfect cup of tea on a rainy day, beautiful stories beautifully told, pain au chocolat and cappuccino, invigorating lectures, purring cats and ecstatic dogs, dark chocolate, a view of mountains, and the sense of accomplishment derived from vanquishing a to-do list.
My goal is to "walk in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ," (Phil. 1:27), loving Him and loving others with all the strength given me. In this, as in all my enterprises, may God be glorified.
On this blog, you will find my reflections on my adventures in literature and life. You can expect a post about something I'm learning each week.
Please let me know what you think by commenting, and if you like what you read here, feel free to subscribe. Like many intellectual efforts, blogging proves more rewarding as a prompt for conversation and community than as series of monologues spoken in isolation. 

S. E. Coogan

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