Sunday, June 20, 2010

Books You MUST Read

I have recently stumbled upon the books of Elisabeth Elliot, Christian missionary and author. Having devoured Let Me Be a Woman and Passion and Purity (which is emphatically not just a book for girls, by the way), I have to say I could not be more impressed with Mrs. Elliot's profound wisdom and beautiful faith. Those books were an immense blessing to read, full of anecdotes from her own life and her journey with God.

Her books are a must-read for anyone desiring to serve God with their entire life. Her exhortations to purity, self-control, order, and humility are challenging but completely inspiring. She is a clear, succinct writer, whose joy and sense of humor are clearly evident throughout her works. I have certainly discovered a hero in this intelligent, faithful woman. God has used her books to call me closer to Him and remind me that He has a marvelous purpose for my life.
For those of you who don't know the story of Mrs. Elliot, she was a missionary child who met her future husband Jim Elliot as a student at Wheaton College. The two soon recognized their interest in one another, but Jim felt called by God to remain single and pursue mission work for an indefinite period of time. The two agreed to follow God's guidance and place their relationship on hold--perhaps permanently--in order to seek His will. They did so for five years, during which time Elisabeth attended graduate school and both took positions serving as missionaries in different parts of Ecuador. After five years, God led them to marry. They were married for three years before Jim and four other missionaries were martyred in an attempt to bring the gospel to the Huaorani Indians. Two years later, Elisabeth returned to the Huaorani tribe with her daughter Valerie and fellow missionary Rachel Saint, to continue her husband's evangelical work. After living with them for two years, she returned to the United States, where she served as a writer and speaker until her retirement several years ago.
This is a woman who has faithfully followed God and fearlessly served those around her for years. When I approach seniority, if I can look back on a life anywhere near as rich as hers, I will feel blessed.
The conclusion of all of this: read her books. You will be delighted that you did.

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