Friday, June 15, 2012

Can you feel the world turn upside down?

I want to return to the rather cryptic post I made in April about Christ's resurrection and elaborate on the idea which dominated my thought process this Easter season. Sometimes we fail to remember that Easter really is all about celebrating the staggering event of the Resurrection. The same phrase kept returning to me during that season: "Can you feel the world turn upside down?"

That peculiar phrase encapsulates for me the significance of this incredible miracle. If Christ is risen from the dead, this world can never be mundane again. If I am redeemed by Christ, nothing in this life matters except service to Him. No judgment from this world, no accolade, no fear of man, no cost should deter me. I am commissioned by Him, complete in Him, as loved as I can ever be--by the God of the universe!
Sometimes, I think that my love for beautiful stories is one of God's greatest gifts to me. It holds me to the faith when my vision and discipline are weak. But, in all its wonder, the glory of the Resurrection is its reality, not its narrative power. Jesus really died and rose from the dead. He ceased to breathe, to think, to love, to live. And then He began again. He broke out of the grave. He is coming again, and like Him, I will have a life after my death--a life of beauty and fellowship and worship--undivided worship--with God's great family. I will see face to face. When we say: "The Lord is risen indeed!" we speak of what is truly THE greatest day in history; the day everything revolves around.
Death is beaten. And all Christ's commands begin to make sense, because He has overcome the world and called us to Him out of the world, turning the world's priorities on their head, so that our lives become about Him and not about ourselves. The resurrection means that my GPA, my schedule, my living arrangements, my fitness, appearance, success, do not matter at all. Jesus matters. I am a slave to Christ and therefore I am free of the cares of this world. He really lives!

And because He lives, we can cry in joy:

Alleuia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

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