Monday, November 18, 2013

Return of the Blog (III)

Hello friends who read my blog (all two of you plus my family),

I'm delighted to announce that I have once more returned to the task of keeping this site updated. Since last we spoke, I have become engaged, graduated from Wheaton, gotten married, and moved to Oxford. It's been a hectic, exciting, joyful, overwhelming season, full of adventures and bends in the road.

For the moment, it feels as though I have gotten round the last of that series of bends and the road is in many ways predictable (although life never ceases to have its twists and turns). My days now consist of washing dishes, reading, working on a writing sample for my application to Oxford, watching tv, and trying to become rooted in this new place which is, for the next two years, my home. I find myself wanting to be more reflective, to develop skills intentionally, to reflect on who I am and where I am headed. Jeremiah and I have been writing life goals and bucket lists, and I'm trying to draft a personal mission statement. I want to learn to cook like a real chef, go on a walking tour, visit Paris, learn Latin, and grow to love and serve God and know His word much better than I do now.

Anyway, enough with the self-conscious lyricism. A blog can be a form of showing off to the world--of styling oneself a certain way to impress others and make one feel life is more exciting, ordered, or peaceful than it actually is. I suppose I'm running that risk by reviving Riverstories. At the same time, the impulse to write--to share one's life and to test one's ideas--isn't wholly corrupted. Communication--composition--is a good gift, and perhaps the act of presentation can be a form of accountability, a way of motivating myself to keep the schedule to which I aspire, to learn the things I say I want to. We'll see.

I'm going to use this blog to reflect on some of the things I'm learning and to record our adventures. Hopefully, it will be a good way to keep friends updated on our lives/

Here's to the endeavor! Hopefully it will last longer than the last two attempts to revive my blog.

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